Tuesday, 28 January 2014

A new beginning

It has been an amazing journey, and now we are home again.  On Sunday morning we enjoyed our first service in the new building.

Arriving at the new entrance

Settling in to the newly re-oriented Chapel


 The Music Group's new base

Music from the heart - 'Forever God is faithful'

Yes, they were being trees! (to illustrate Grant's talk about the fruit of the Spirit)

No-one was in a hurry to leave ......

......unless it was to have coffee in the lovely new hall.

Don't forget to come and share in the celebrations at the official Opening on Saturday 1st February from 2pm to 4pm, or visit us during the open week.  


Saturday, 18 January 2014

Moving in again - the Work Party!

When is work more like a party?  When it's an LCBC work party!


An amazing amount of hard work was done at today's party too - cleaning,
repairing chairs,
..........learning how it works.....

And something very important to do with electronics
The brand spanking new kitchen was cleaned very thoroughly prior to all of the contents being moved in

well earned refreshments (thanks everyone for the cakes)

and when the party-goers were getting tired...
fish and chips to stoke up the workers!
A great big enormous Thank You to everyone who came today and worked so hard at the party.  One of many parties of all types to be held in the next few weeks!


PS we haven't had the final hand over yet, as a few final bits of work are still to be carried out - so no unauthorised visits this week please - but come to the Day of Prayer and Vision from 8.30 next Saturday morning to get the first official look at the building.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Day of Prayer and Vision

This will be a special event on Saturday 25th January from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm in Long Crendon Baptist Church.  For most of us it will be our first opportunity to be inside the new building, before our first Sunday services on 26th.

It's OK to drop in for part of the time - a programme will be available shortly on the website and there will be breaks for refreshments at suitable times. Come and join us as we give thanks and seek God's will for the use of our new building and the days ahead.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Fasten your seatbelts!

The builders are now back at work completing the final work needed before the building is handed over, hopefully on 17th January.  It is looking very good from the outside!

There will be a Work Party on 18th, with our last services at Lord Williams's on 19th and the first services in the new building on 26th January.

A weekend of celebration will take place on 1-2 February with an open week to follow from 3 - 8th February.  We warmly invite all villagers, neighbours and friends to come in and see what is happening, look round the building and enjoy a cup of coffee.  More details to follow.