Monday, 23 December 2013

On the road to Bethlehem

Directed by Martin 'Scorcrazi' Walker, casting, rehearsals, dress rehearsal and main performance all in one go!

The angel Gabriel spoke to Mary, and then to Joseph

 A host of angels appeared to the Shepherds, who had arrived to the sound of a flock of bleating sheep!


The director explained the ‘Good News’ to the Shepherds

They were amazed by what the angels told them
It was a long and tiring day for the angels too

A star appeared over the stable

Wise men arrived to see what was going on

They all took it very seriously . . .


. . . especially the angels with their important message

What a very special retelling of the Christmas story!  Thanks to all the performers, including choir and musicians. (And no, the angels weren't in a cage, it was a balcony!)

Join us this evening (Monday 23rd December) for Carols in the Square in Long Crendon, 6.30 – 7.15pm


Saturday, 21 December 2013

So close to the finishing line

Although we had hoped to be back in the building for our Christmas services it just isn't possible.  Instead we now have a date of 26th January for our first service enjoying the new facilities and refurbished building.  Work is continuing to progress and we'd like to share a selection of the latest photos.

The front path on a typical day:

The new entrance taking shape:

The Chapel lights are installed . . .

 . . . and the balcony bench seating is almost ready

Looking towards the glazed doors into the new concourse:

The concourse, showing the new entrance and the stairs:

The new stairs are well-lit:

We praise God for the progress and achievements to date and we are so grateful to Graeme the site manager and all his teams/sub-contractors for all their efforts reaching this stage.  We wish them all a very Happy Christmas!


Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas updates

We hope you will be able to join us for our Christmas services this year.  Due to the minor delay in returning to the building in Long Crendon, we will NOT be holding our Carols by Candlelight Service on the evening of Sunday 22nd as advertised, but we will still be celebrating as follows:

Sunday morning 22nd December
10.30 at Lord Williams' Upper School, Thame (Main Hall)
Morning Service with children's Nativity play

Monday 23rd December
6.30 - 7.15 in Long Crendon Village Square
Our traditional Carols in the Square, this year with the Salvation Army providing the music and LCBC preparing hot refreshments.

Wednesday 25th December
10.00 - 10.45 at Lord Williams' Upper School, Thame (Main Hall)
Our Christmas Day celebrations

We look forward to welcoming you to one or more of these events.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Spectrum Arts update

Stuart Currie, Arts Evangelist 
with London City Mission
led two guided tours 
of a London Gallery 
as a special outing 
for Spectrum members 
last month.

Spectrum Arts is an art group which meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 9.30 - 1.00. Whatever your ability there is help and encouragement in this non-competitive, friendly, enthusiastic group of men and women.  

A new development is Start-up Spectrum for those who are just beginning with watercolours, meeting on the second Tuesday. 

During the transition we have been meeting in the Village Centre and from February 2014 we will be back in the LCBC building.

Look out for an exhibition of our work in the Spring, or come and join us one Wednesday and have a go.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Introducing Mark Herbert

We are very pleased that Mark Herbert will be joining the LCBC staff team next summer.  He and Steph are getting married on July 19th and moving to the village soon after. 

He writes, “I was delighted about the recent invitation to join the church and come and serve you and the community. Steph and I will be moving to the village in July shortly after our wedding and are really excited about getting to know everyone better and welcoming you into our home. Getting married, moving house and both starting new jobs is a daunting prospect but we are up for the challenge!"
Mark is currently finishing some Theological training at Oak Hill College in London, and has previously been a school teacher and also worked for a church in Bedford.  He loves sport, outdoor adventures, reading and open fires!  He was born a carnivore and cooks a mean steak.  Steph is currently working in a women's refuge in Surrey and plans to pursue some further counselling training over the next few years.  She loves dancing, shopping and time with family and friends, but was born a vegetarian and so is not able to enjoy Mark's steak nights.

We look forward to Mark and Steph joining us next year.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Nearing the end of the journey…

The rear path:


The new main entrance and pathway:

Ceiling lights are in:

From the bottom of the stairs through to the entrance hall:

The new central concourse between the chapel and rear hall:


 The chapel and balcony:



The upper rear hall:



Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Christmas is coming

Christmas is coming, and we hope to be back in our refurbished building in Long Crendon for our Christmas services, but keep an eye on our website for updates about venues.
Christmas services
Sunday 22nd December
10.30 Christmas all-age service with children's nativity play
18.30 Carols by candlelight
Monday 23rd December
6.30 - 7.15 Carols in the Village Square with the Salvation Army Band and hot refreshments
Christmas Day10.00 - 10.45 Family Celebration Service
We would love to welcome you at any of these services. Our website Visiting page has useful information including how to find us.


Sunday, 1 December 2013

On the first day of Christmas......

...a building with a balcony!

Work is progressing fast as we near the end of the project.

Windows for the rear of the building arrived on 20th November and are being installed.

Glazing is in between the upper hall mezzanine and the double-height void in the lower rear hall.
On the second day of Christmas?

... two internal windows and a building with a balcony!

View up to the mezzanine from the rear wall of the ground floor hall:

A new, more accessible rear path is going in:

Please continue to pray for on-going site safety and good working relationships.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Three men in a van… (with apologies to J. K. Jerome)

Peter Short and Alan Esam, along with Peter Smittem from St. Mary’s Ashendon set off very early on Thursday 14th November to drive across Europe to Calarasi in south eastern Romania.

Peter Short and Alan were part of the group which visited Romania in summer 2013 as part of the on-going relationship between Long Crendon Baptist Church and the church in Calarasi.

It was clear during that visit that the church in Calarasi needed some chairs for their new church building.  Peter Smitten sourced some second hand chairs which Brill School no longer needed, and a lot of work was put into cleaning and refurbishing them.

Peter Short had a van to transport the chairs – once the trip was organised, other items were identified to add to the cargo - a consignment of ex-hire wedding dresses to enable someone in Calarasi to set up their own hire business, Crendon Corinthians old football strip and various toys were offered and added to the cargo.

Taking the ferry from Dover to Calais then west through France, Belgium and into Germany, the three reached Frankfurt on day 1 after 15 hours travelling.  

A slightly later start on day two, they set off at 8am and continued west through Germany and Austria, taking turns with 2 hours driving, 2 hours ‘relaxing’ in the back of the van and 2 hours navigating. Still in Austria in the early evening, they needed to get to the Romanian border in order to arrive in Calarasi by Saturday night.  After a meal break, they eventually arrived at the border town of Szeged at 10pm.

On Saturday morning they headed for the Romanian border. Thankfully, the border guards took no interest in the van, its odd cargo and even stranger occupants, after all why would three English men be driving to an obscure town in the poorest part of the country?

Paying the motorway toll took longer, not helped by a misunderstanding when asked how many chairs (seats) were in the van!  The Romanian motorways are new and largely traffic free but only took them part of the way across the country.

Soon, they were winding along on single carriageway roads that took in every town and village, so it was after dark before they got onto the Bucharest ring road.

This too is single carriageway and the lorries have worn deep ruts worn into the tarmac, which were just the wrong width for the van causing them to bounce all over the road in a most alarming way. They eventually arrived at Calarasi around 9pm.

The three were met with such a warm welcome! The young people had been having a meeting and were planning a sleep-over so as soon as they arrived, pizza and fizzy drinks were served, with Peter, Alan and Peter sat at the top table and treated to a full meal.

The next day they took part in the Sunday service. Peter Short explained that their return trip came about because God brought things and circumstances together. Peter Smittem introduced himself and St. Mary’s Ashendon.  Alan used Jesus’ words “it is more blessed to give than to receive” to encourage everyone to share whatever they can, even if that is a word of encouragement, an email or a prayer of support.

After the service the van was unloaded. It was a great blessing to see how the chairs, wedding dresses, football kit and toys were so eagerly unloaded and how much they were admired and appreciated. The chairs were set out in the church to replace those that had been on loan from another church and had to be returned the next day, where they were needed for a series of meetings.

The wedding dresses will be used to generate a modest income for a single mother of four.

 The young people have regular football games against various teams, so the Crendon kit was appreciated and the toys were quickly in use.

The van has also been left – it has an electric lift for a wheelchair, something that is not known in Romania. Alan was able to give a driving lesson before they left - Pastor Iulian will be able to use this vehicle to bless not just those in his church but also those in the community of Calarasi whom the church there seek to serve.       

We wait to see what God has planned next for our link with this Romanian church and its community.