Friday, 20 December 2013
Christmas updates
We hope you will be able to join us for our Christmas services this year. Due to the minor delay in returning to the building in Long Crendon, we will NOT be holding our Carols by Candlelight Service on the evening of Sunday 22nd as advertised, but we will still be celebrating as follows:
Sunday morning 22nd December
10.30 at Lord Williams' Upper School, Thame (Main Hall)
Morning Service with children's Nativity play
Monday 23rd December
6.30 - 7.15 in Long Crendon Village Square
Our traditional Carols in the Square, this year with the Salvation Army providing the music and LCBC preparing hot refreshments.
Wednesday 25th December
10.00 - 10.45 at Lord Williams' Upper School, Thame (Main Hall)
Our Christmas Day celebrations
We look forward to welcoming you to one or more of these events.