Saturday 13th September
2014 was a day that has been long in coming for Mark. Having completed a Geography degree and taught
for two years while working with Christians in Sport he felt such a strong call
from God that he then spent five years training for ministry in church placements
and at Oak Hill Theological College.
Mark and his wife Steph have been living in the village for
several weeks now, and he is already an important part of the pastoral team. Today he was ordained, and inducted as Assistant Pastor at
During the course of the service
we heard from Paul Woodbridge, one of his tutors at Oak Hill, who noted both
his outstanding grades and also his prowess at football(!), and also Pastor
Neil Turton who shared the impression of the Elders at his interview of his
sincerity, humility, spiritual maturity and pastoral sensitivity.
Mark spoke movingly of his call "God laid such a strong
burden on my heart" and his time as a student at Oak Hill "I wasn't
taught what to think, but how to think".
The official ordination and induction was carried out by Senior
Pastor Jeff Steadman
He and the elders then prayed for and laid hands on
Mark, and also Steph.
Ray Evans from Grace
Community Church in Bedford, where Mark had spent some time training, gave an inspiring talk. He
reminded Mark that he should endeavour to live a Christ-like selfless life, and
lead by the power of example.
Following the service a
delicious lunch was waiting for members of the church family and the guests who had travelled from many different places to share in this very special day.