Friday, 28 June 2013

Welcome to the Manga family

It is lovely to welcome home, for a short while, Bethan, Tenebou and Lilia Manga.  Bethan and Tenebou are working with African Revival Ministries - Senegal, based in Ziguinchor in the Casamance region. The country is 95% Muslim.

They run a clinic called The Good Samaritan which is one of the ministries of ARM-S. Others include an orphanage, a centre for Talibes (Muslim street boys), and church work.

The Good Samaritan health centre aims to provide quality and professional health care to a population where the health care is limited, expensive, and often of poor quality. The people of the Cassamance suffer greatly with their health and Bethan and Tenebou want to care for them in a way they deserve, showing the love of Jesus. The clinic has 9,000 -10,000 new patient consultations each year.

The family is
in the UK for 2 and a half months to have a rest, catch up with friends and family, speak at supporting churches and share about the new project - the mission is raising money to open a laboratory at the clinic.  

We look forward to enjoying fellowship with them before their return to Africa.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


On Sunday LCBC member Keith Civval, a Christian with Jewish heritage, and his wife Sue led us in an interpretation of the traditional Hebrew ‘Pesach’ or Passover feast.

Keith is Chair of Trustees at Scripture Union and a Trustee of Wycliffe UK. He explained the symbolism of all the elements of the Passover celebration which commemorates God’s liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, led by Moses.

The Old Testament book of Exodus tells us about the origin of the feast. The commandment that the Jews should remember it is recorded in the book of Leviticus.

Keith used prayers from the Jewish prayer book alongside modern Christian worship songs and illustrated the story of Moses with excerpts from the 1998 film Prince of Egypt.

Members of the congregation read relevant Bible passages, including a responsive reading of Psalm 136 ‘His love endures for ever’. You can read the Psalm here.

Learn more about Pesach here.

We looked at the way the Passover feast is echoed in the New Testament’s Last Supper which Jesus held with his disciples, on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread - the Lord’s Supper which we now remember in our regular Communion services.  You can read the verses from Matthew 26;17-30 here.

Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, if we accept His redemption, we can all sit at the table of the King.

A big thank-you to the Wood’s Homegroup who were on set-up duty this week and had to clear away all the Matzah crumbs!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Being adventurous

LCBC's Adventurers recently enjoyed tractor rides, football and tree climbing at their summer barbecue at Middlepath.  120 Adventurers, parents and siblings said goodbye to six year 6 students who graduate to Impact this summer.  
Adventurers is a lively term-time youth club for children aged 7-11 (primary school years 2-6) who meet on Wednesday evenings from 6.30-7.30, for crafts, sports, cookery, singing and bible teaching.  There are 54 children in the group at present, supported by a team of nine volunteers.  During the building project, Adventurers are meeting in the Village Centre next to Long Crendon Library. If your child is in this age group do bring them along to see what it's all about.

Friday, 14 June 2013

You've been framed

Over half term, the steel arrived, and the frame of the rear extension has been constructed

All the bricks have been delivered - this is not all of them!

The steel framework is complete
Drainage is going in for the new toilets and kitchen

And work is progressing indoors - new electrics have been fitted in the roof

The old balcony has been removed, and the walls marked up for the new balcony supports

For more detail see the reports on our website

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Welcome back to the Hewers

On Sunday morning we also welcomed Philip and Judy Hewer back from Ghana. (See earlier blog entry). They accomplished what was needed, translation checking the Kasem Bible, and Philip has to consolidate some of the translation decisions made. He gave the example of choosing between a bim bim - a fixed platform like the one in the picture above - or a dachar, a moveable stage/platform or box. Now, back in England, Philip needs to check every mention of a platform in the Old Testament and make sure the appropriate word has been used. 
While out walking one day, Philip and Judy saw a lady sitting outside reading the Kasem New Testament – it was well read and had lost its cover, but she was still enjoying reading God’s word. One task during their visit was to encourage local church leaders to fund the printing of the Kasem Bible, and fundraising is now underway in Kasem Churches to raise the money needed.   You can read Philip's blog here.
Pastor Jeff Steadman preached on Change from 1 Thessalonians 1 and Ezekiel 14.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

God is in control

On Sunday morning, we said goodbye to Veronika Aksenova.
`This time in England has been very special for me' says Veronika. 'I love worshipping at LCBC and feel privileged to be part of this warm hearted church – you are my family in England. I have renewed old friendships and made new ones. The highlight of this time in England has been the opportunity to go to Cleobury Mortimer (on the Church weekend) and all the love and support I received. You have a special place in my heart.`
On June 8th Veronika returns to Russia and Ukraine to catch up with her family for a few weeks, then at the end of June she travels to Ethiopia to discuss her future mission destination and work – Veronika has been working with the Bench people in Southern Ethiopia. While there, she will also meet up with Doug and Kelly Blacksten. 
In late July Veronika will go back to Russia to write her MA dissertation, having completed the diploma during her time in England.
Veronika requested prayer for her parents who don’t understand her Christian faith, for someone to work with in Ethiopia so she does not have to travel to a remote area alone, and for God’s guidance in her future plans.