Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Welcome back to the Hewers

On Sunday morning we also welcomed Philip and Judy Hewer back from Ghana. (See earlier blog entry). They accomplished what was needed, translation checking the Kasem Bible, and Philip has to consolidate some of the translation decisions made. He gave the example of choosing between a bim bim - a fixed platform like the one in the picture above - or a dachar, a moveable stage/platform or box. Now, back in England, Philip needs to check every mention of a platform in the Old Testament and make sure the appropriate word has been used. 
While out walking one day, Philip and Judy saw a lady sitting outside reading the Kasem New Testament – it was well read and had lost its cover, but she was still enjoying reading God’s word. One task during their visit was to encourage local church leaders to fund the printing of the Kasem Bible, and fundraising is now underway in Kasem Churches to raise the money needed.   You can read Philip's blog here.
Pastor Jeff Steadman preached on Change from 1 Thessalonians 1 and Ezekiel 14.