On Sunday LCBC member Keith Civval, a Christian with Jewish
heritage, and his wife Sue led us in an interpretation of the traditional
Hebrew ‘Pesach’ or Passover feast.
Keith is Chair of Trustees at Scripture Union and a Trustee of Wycliffe UK. He explained the symbolism of all the elements of the Passover celebration which commemorates God’s liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, led by Moses.
The Old Testament book of Exodus tells us about the origin of the feast. The commandment that the Jews should remember it is recorded in the book of Leviticus.
Keith is Chair of Trustees at Scripture Union and a Trustee of Wycliffe UK. He explained the symbolism of all the elements of the Passover celebration which commemorates God’s liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, led by Moses.
The Old Testament book of Exodus tells us about the origin of the feast. The commandment that the Jews should remember it is recorded in the book of Leviticus.
Keith used prayers from the Jewish prayer book alongside modern Christian worship songs and illustrated the story of Moses with excerpts from the 1998 film Prince of Egypt.
Members of the congregation read relevant Bible passages, including a responsive reading of Psalm 136 ‘His love endures for ever’. You can read the Psalm here.
Learn more about Pesach here.
We looked at the way the Passover feast is echoed in the New Testament’s Last Supper which Jesus held with his disciples, on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread - the Lord’s Supper which we now remember in our regular Communion services. You can read the verses from Matthew 26;17-30 here.
Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, if we accept His redemption, we can all sit at the table of the King.
A big thank-you to the Wood’s Homegroup who were on set-up duty this week and had to clear away all the Matzah crumbs!
We looked at the way the Passover feast is echoed in the New Testament’s Last Supper which Jesus held with his disciples, on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread - the Lord’s Supper which we now remember in our regular Communion services. You can read the verses from Matthew 26;17-30 here.
Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, if we accept His redemption, we can all sit at the table of the King.
A big thank-you to the Wood’s Homegroup who were on set-up duty this week and had to clear away all the Matzah crumbs!