Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A very hot July on the building site

External walls are appearing (block work inside, matching brickwork outside)

and new internal partitions are being created.

Timber structures for the side roofs are inserted in the steel frame.

The view from the new entrance,  showing the frame of the new balcony, towards the front wall of the Church. Removing the vestibule and the old balcony which blocked the lower windows allows more natural light into the building.

From the air you can get a good idea of the shape of the new extension.

Keep checking the Building Update page of our website for detailed reports on progress.

Friday, 26 July 2013

Support our YP

A group of young people from LCBC will be travelling to Romania next month to help with Christian summer camps for children, thanks to our links with Pastor Iulian and the church in Calarasi.

To raise funds for the trip they have been taking on jobs ranging from gardening to decorating, car cleaning to stacking logs and even house-moving!  Hard work, especially in the recent very hot weather, but hopefully they enjoyed it too.

If you have any odd jobs that you are putting off, why not let them do it for you?  Email Grant Spratley, Youth Pastor at LCBC, here.