Tuesday, 30 April 2013

And the walls came tumbling down . . .

Demolition work is almost complete and should finish this week.  The next step is preparing for the foundations by setting out the building and levelling for the footings, before pouring concrete for 50% of foundations and installing hold-down bolts for the steelwork.

You can see some different phases of previous extensions here – the blockwork resources room from 1985 (then in use as the crèche), and behind it the brick wall of the 1970 extension.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Welcome to baby Mia

It's always very special when a baby is brought to be dedicated at LCBC.  Yesterday little Mia Wells was brought by her parents Hannah and Colin to thank God for her safe arrival and to promise, with God's help, to bring her up to know and love him.

At LCBC we believe in Baptism for adult believers, and prefer Dedication for young children. During the service Pastor Jeff used the traditional words:

'We give thanks to God, the maker of all things, the giver of all life, for the creation and birth of this child.

We make a solemn promise as parents and as a church that, relying on God's help and working in partnership together, we will endeavour to bring up this child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

We pray that God's blessing may descend and rest upon this child, remembering how the Lord Jesus took little children in his arms and blessed them.'

Mia's grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins came to celebrate with us and had a great family party afterwards!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

David's story part 1

David Mukhia is a young Christian who has been worshipping with us at LCBC for two years.  He plays guitar and has regularly played with the Music Group and contributed greatly to worship in this way. He is currently back in India making plans to study at Bible College, but before he left he shared his story with us.  Here is part 1.

'One day I went to church with my sister to see what Christianity is all about. But when I entered the church for first time, I saw young people playing an instrument and singing.

I had no idea what they were doing but only the thing stuck in my mind were the instruments.

After the church service a youth leader said to me, “We are glad to have you here with us and you are most welcome to join us any time you like.”
  My first question was, “Am I allowed to play the guitar?” 

She said; “Yes!”

So I started going to church but just to play the guitar. Beside this, I had no other interest in going to church. But as time passed on, I began thinking, “Why am I here in the church?” Every time I heard the sermon during the church service, I felt that the scripture was only for me.

I had peace in my heart when I started going to church. Gradually I realised that it was God’s love that dragged me to the church and my relationship became stronger with God.'

Look out for part 2 of David's story!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Progress report

 This week the builder has made huge progress demolishing major parts of the church structure that we are not retaining for the new building. Most of the rear walls are now down. The rest will be removed over the next day or so. While some of the materials are being retained for re-use on-site, much has been removed for offsite re-cycling and disposal. 

 The next task will be to dig out the foundations for the extended building walls and to support columns and beams for the new rear building structure.

The schedule as planned:

April-mid May – demolition and foundations.
May-July – steel work, walls and roof.
August – phase 1 fit-out, electrical, plumbing and plastering.
September – phase 2 fit-out, electrical, heating and kitchen.
October-mid November – tiling, flooring, external works and finishing. 

The audio visual system and shelving will be installed immediately following handover. 


On Sunday evening Impact and Rare:r, the groups for years 7-13, started a new 7 part study: Soul, from Christianity Explored, with lots of time for questions, answers and plenty of pudding!

It was great to have so many of the young people across the age-range meeting to share and learn together, and a special thank you to the Wood family for hosting.

More about Soul

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Hewers of wood

‘For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake’ 2 Corinthians 4:5

On Sunday we heard from Philip and Judy Hewer who are heading back to Africa on Thursday to continue their work with the Kasena people of northern Ghana. 

Working in the Kasem language, Philip will be translation-checking Old Testament books Isaiah and Chronicles in preparation for publication of the full Kasem Bible next year.  The Kasem New Testament was published in 1988.  
The Hewers have been involved in this work for many years, last permanently based in Tamale from 2000-2006.  Please pray for safe travel and readjustment to the culture and conditions over the next few weeks.

You can follow their progress on Philip's blog.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A time to tear down

 We are well into the demolition part of the build when the rooms added piecemeal to the back of the chapel are stripped away to make room for the new extension. 

Although it can be hard to see this, Ecclesiastes 3 says 'There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: ........A time to tear down and a time to build'  

We are looking forward to seeing the start of the building process.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

LCBC @ LWUS - Team Spirit

Our first Sunday 
worshipping at Lord Williams's Upper School, 
and it all went like 
clockwork thanks to the 
army of helpers who had

arrived hours before to set 
up sound, chairs, 
projection, music, and 
(very important) signs 
to the toilets!


Pastor Jeff spoke on 
A time for change,
taking the reading
from 1 Corinthians 15 - 16 and talking of the importance of  
Team Spirit.

'If I can speak in the jargon of team ministry, and if I can recite all management principles perfectly, yet if I lack team spirit, my words are hollow and carry no weight.
And though I have vision and can set objectives, solve problems and analyse situations; yet if I am not motivated by team spirit, I achieve nothing.
And though I spend all my time and energy on behalf of others, and burn myself out in the course of my effort, yet if I do all these things outside team spirit, no one benefits.
For team spirit listens, it is patient and forgiving, it is not boastful, forceful or ambitious.
Team spirit believes the best of others,
team spirit wants the best for others,
team spirit brings out the best in others.

As for all the management gurus, one day they will all be silent.
As for all the latest techniques, soon they will be out of date.
A team depends on commitment, motivation, and team spirit; no team can survive without these three but the greatest of these is team spirit.'