Thursday, 11 April 2013

LCBC @ LWUS - Team Spirit

Our first Sunday 
worshipping at Lord Williams's Upper School, 
and it all went like 
clockwork thanks to the 
army of helpers who had

arrived hours before to set 
up sound, chairs, 
projection, music, and 
(very important) signs 
to the toilets!


Pastor Jeff spoke on 
A time for change,
taking the reading
from 1 Corinthians 15 - 16 and talking of the importance of  
Team Spirit.

'If I can speak in the jargon of team ministry, and if I can recite all management principles perfectly, yet if I lack team spirit, my words are hollow and carry no weight.
And though I have vision and can set objectives, solve problems and analyse situations; yet if I am not motivated by team spirit, I achieve nothing.
And though I spend all my time and energy on behalf of others, and burn myself out in the course of my effort, yet if I do all these things outside team spirit, no one benefits.
For team spirit listens, it is patient and forgiving, it is not boastful, forceful or ambitious.
Team spirit believes the best of others,
team spirit wants the best for others,
team spirit brings out the best in others.

As for all the management gurus, one day they will all be silent.
As for all the latest techniques, soon they will be out of date.
A team depends on commitment, motivation, and team spirit; no team can survive without these three but the greatest of these is team spirit.'