Monday, 29 April 2013

Welcome to baby Mia

It's always very special when a baby is brought to be dedicated at LCBC.  Yesterday little Mia Wells was brought by her parents Hannah and Colin to thank God for her safe arrival and to promise, with God's help, to bring her up to know and love him.

At LCBC we believe in Baptism for adult believers, and prefer Dedication for young children. During the service Pastor Jeff used the traditional words:

'We give thanks to God, the maker of all things, the giver of all life, for the creation and birth of this child.

We make a solemn promise as parents and as a church that, relying on God's help and working in partnership together, we will endeavour to bring up this child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

We pray that God's blessing may descend and rest upon this child, remembering how the Lord Jesus took little children in his arms and blessed them.'

Mia's grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins came to celebrate with us and had a great family party afterwards!