Alice has worked for most of her life for Wycliffe Bible Translators, spending many years in South Asia working with the Maithili people. She has been a member of LCBC since 1988 but is now enjoying retirement back in the United States, very close to her home church. She volunteers in the church office for one day a week.
On Sunday we were delighted to see her back in the UK for two months, firstly having a holiday and then spending six weeks at the Wycliffe Centre, Horsley Green, digitising the South Asia archive.
When reflecting on her life, Alice is particularly thankful for the opportunity to be involved in the outreach to the Maithili people. 'I am also thankful to God for the knowledge that I am a daughter of the King of the Universe.' she says 'We need to remember that God is utterly faithful, he will never let us down. So hang on and enjoy the ride!'
Alice asks for prayer for the digitisation project, and that her ears will always be open; that she will not become too busy in retirement that she doesn't have time to listen to God.
Find out more about Alice