Friday, 10 May 2013

LCBC weekend away

130 of our church family went for a May Bank Holiday treat of a weekend to the Pioneer Centre at Cleobury Mortimer, with close to an 80 year age gap between the youngest participant, 3 month old Mia (see earlier blogpost) and the oldest participant, a serious contender in the table tennis competition! The glorious weather helped to make it a fantastic 3 days, particularly with the outdoor swimming pool. 

The adults had seminars each morning, looking at how we can know Jesus more and make him known. We considered what the Bible teaches us about the sort of church that God wants us to be: a worshipping, learning, caring, engaging, equipping and enabling church. 

The young people and children had separate activities led by Grant and the Christians in Sport students, 

and parents were able to (sort of) keep track of their offspring 3 times a day at the communal mealtimes.

Afternoon activities included high-ropes action,

jewellery-making, a steam train ride

and a circular walk that took in most of Shropshire.

One of many highlights of the weekend was Saturday night's ’Crendon’s Got Talent’ event. 

It was great to have so many young musicians taking part, the youngest being Tia Khan on keyboard.

Probably the most mature musical contribution was from Ken singing about a few of his favourite things. 

We enjoyed the Christians in Sport guys with a new perspective on singing together, international acts from Russia, Latin America and South Korea and a return appearance of our familiar church cleaners, Millie and Aggie.

Year book photo awards were presented, including for the best smiley photo to the Blatchfords. The Boultons recorded twelve days of building work with a diverse assortment of props including hard hats and mugs of tea. And finally, the whole transition process was celebrated by the Walkers and the Jon Lilleys in their version of songs from Les Mis. Yes, Crendon’s certainly got talent!

Sunday night was rather quieter, with a couple of movies and the  weekend action finished with lunch on Monday. 

It was great to have such quality time together during our building project when we are meeting at several different venues.