Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Wisdoms in Burundi

During the summer we have been delighted to have with us the Wisdom family, on holiday from Burundi, where father Jeremy has been Principal of The King's School for a year.  Despite facing huge problems due to lack of staff, resources and finances, after much prayer, gifts and loans from the UK the school was able to remain open.  

'As a family we've learned to trust God in everything - for financial provision, for time to get things done, for our health, for our hearts - that he'll give us the daily strength to cope with challenges. We've learned that he's sovereign over all. We have no need to fear as He goes before us and is always with us. It is a daily challenge to us to trust God, but we feel privileged (most of the time!) to have been called to serve Him in this way and to live lives where we must depend so totally and utterly on His love, goodness and grace.'

'It's not easy starting a new school when you're eleven, in a new country, where your Dad's the school principal, your Mum's a teacher and you're the only white boy! However God has given Harry a fantastic group of friends and they celebrated his 12th birthday at the beach together at the end of term. They are an international bunch from India, Canada, Burundi and the US! We're really thankful that all the children have settled well and made friends at school and church.'

The family fly back to Burundi this week to begin a new school year with exciting new opportunities and challenges:

  • A new Director of Studies to help improve teaching
  • Evening classes teaching English and sharing resources with National Schools
  • A new focus on assessment and support for students with special educational and behavioural needs
  • New informal bible studies and counselling for students
  • Youth Alpha in the Spring Term
  • A new home for the family with a guest bedroom for visitors!
If you'd like to hear more about how God is using the Wisdoms in Burundi you can follow the Wisdom family blog