Thursday, 8 August 2013

Transition heroes

Ever wondered what it involves to set up on a Sunday morning at Lord Williams' School for an LCBC service?  Here is what happened a couple of weeks ago.

The church-in-a-box trailer full of equipment arrives at the school

 Equipment is downloaded
                                                          Lots of things have to be carried in, and this is one of the things that Home Groups members are very good at helping with

Chairs are put out, firstly by moving stacks of them across the hall - another job for Home Groups

Wiring is laid down and covered by rubber mats by the audio team

 The music group starts 
to set up

More chairs!

Pastor Jeff helps


The sound desk is being set up

Still more chairs.................  

The audio equipment is carried in

  The LCBC banner is tied in place with bits of blue string and ........

.... they are still moving chairs

The refreshments team set up urns and cups

The music group get plugged in for sound checks

The early birds begin to arrive

The computer operator checks projection and service plan

The sound desk is ready to go as more people begin to arrive

And after the service it all happpens in reverse, with a little assistance from Daddy's little helper!

We are all very grateful to everyone who gives up their time to set up and clear away every Sunday morning while we are a peripatetic church - you are all transition heroes!